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We are ann Old Imeprial Guard Regiment in the oOo COmmuinty.We also got a Voltigeurs Company if you got some marksman ship in you.

The Old Guard was the elite of the elite, the creme de la creme of Napoleon's infantry. You cannot exaggerate about them. They were convinced to the point of arrogance, that they are the most ferocious fighters on earth- and the amusing thing about it is that they were. If the men of the Old Guard had the chance to fight the enemy today in a pub, they would take them to the cleaners then drive them back in a school bus sobbing like the muppets. The Emperor was proud of their reputation, appearance, and always gave them a prominent place in his great exhibitions at Paris. They occupied the barracks of the Cent-Suisse, nearest the Emperor. Over the door was carved: "The Home of the Brave". One of the commanders of the Old Guard was General Gros. Napoleon had a very particular regard for him. “Gros, he said, lives in gunpowder like fish in water: it is his element.... He is a finished trooper.” Gros was masculine, very brave but poorly educated, the way in which he expressed himself belonged only to him. With their wounds, tattoos, and golden earrings, the fearsome legionnaires inspired awe. Napoleon selected his guardsmen carefully and the requirements were not easy to meet for the candidates. In 1806 only one man from each infantry battalion was admitted to the Old Guard.

We try to keep up the standards of the Old Guard, therefore each member must be trained hard! Discipline is vital! If you do not obey, you're out! Fooling around on training, or trolling will be punished hard! That does not mean we are a bunch of hardcore gamers, we are very friendly, and consist of a nice group of people and a healthy community.

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