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Common men we are the creme de la creme!


3rd Gren vol light infantry


Under the command of Cpt_poland

​If you wish to join add dylanwarcraftmlg on steam!

​The 3rd Voltigeurs of the Guard are a new French Skirmisher Company  in the 3rd Grenadiers in the oOo Commuinty.
We are looking for players who wish to snipe Russians at 100 Paces!

About the 3rd Voltigeurs

We are a new upstart French skirmisher company. Our goal is to provide a fun entertaining Napolenic Wars experience that will appeal seasoned players and newcomers alike. In the oOo members will likely make friends with not just other regimental members but also members of other regiment for the oOo is rather a large social community.

Out goal as a regiment is to be able to sport at least 12 people in line battles every time.

Combat wise our goal will be to screen line regiments and and harass enemy lines with steady accurate musket fire. During training we will primarily focus on accuracy and skirmish formations as well as a bit of line drills to keep our whits sharp. And also we will acutely have a effective anti cav formation! This will be explained at trainings.

If a member shows a high degree of loyalty and maturity as well as a understanding of regimental tactics you will be promoted to a NCO rank. From here you will gain responsibility for maintaining formation. Also upon being promoted to NCO rank you will begin to be further taught your role and regimental tactics in a more advanced format. If you continue to show that you leadership skills are growing at a respectable rate you will be legible to be given a higher NCO position and possible a officer role.

We also strive to be a disciplined regiment. This of course wont be let to get in the way of having fun but we will need to maintain a moderate silence amongst rankers during battles. A higher degree of discipline will lead to a more enjoyable trainings which will lead to a increase in skill and performance in the field.

I hope you find this interesting to you. Please continue reading on if you wish to find out more about us


History of Voltigeurs of the Guard

Voltigeurs hold their name from their originally conceived role of cavalry-transported skirmishers: the voltigeurs were intended to jump onto the croup of cavalry horses in order to advance more quickly on the battlefield. This proved unworkable and they were trained to be elite skirmishers while retaining their original name. They formed an integral part of la Grande Armée's basic building blocks, the Line and Light infantry battalions.

In 1809, the French Imperial Guard's corps of Chasseurs formed the Tirailleurs-Chasseurs and Conscrit-Chasseurs regiments, part of the Young Guard. In 1811, these units were renamed Voltigeurs, forming the 1-4th regiments. The Voltigeurs of the Guard, along with their sister regiments the Tirailleurs (formerly the Tirailleurs-Grenadiers and Conscrit-Grenadiers Regiments), provided the skirmish screen for the Chasseurs and Grenadiers of Napoleon's Old Guard.

During the Battle of Waterloo the Voltigeurs, along with the Tirailleurs, conducted a tenacious defense of the town of Plancenoit against a major Prussian flanking attack. Despite being heavily outnumbered, the Young Guard, reinforced by some battalions of Old Guard Grenadiers, held the town until the defeat of the Middle Guard attack on the allied centre caused the army to collapse.

After the abdication of Napoleon and the Second Restoration of the Bourbon kings, the surviving regiments of Voltigeurs, along with the remnants of the entire Imperial Guard, were disbanded.


​​In game Info

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